“Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Policy”

About Shahari Va Gramin Vikas Bahuddeshiya Sanstha (SGVBS)

INTRODUCTION:- Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Is the Shahari VA Gramin Vikas Bahuddeshiya Sanstha(SGVBS) Commitment to the Nation to Conduct the Trust in a socially and EnvironmentallySustainable Manner that is transparent and EthicalShahari Va Gramin Vikas Bahuddeshiya Sanstha, 102 Bhuteshwar Nagar, Gangabai Ghat Road,Mahal Nagpur-440032 (Maharashtra) has been registered for undertaking CSR Activities and theRegistration Number Is CSR00019101. By Government of India Ministry of Corporate AffairsOffice of the Registrar of Companies

CSR POLICY STATEMENT:- Shahari Va Gramin Vikas Bahuddeshiya Sanstha (SGVBS) Is Dedicated Towards Elevating thePoor Or The Underprivileged and Creating Means for the Social and Economic Development. Weare Committed in Our Mission to Work Relentlessly and Sincerely in Area like Education,Healthcare, Environment Preservation and Local Employment. We will identify the Genuine Needsof Communities Where We Operate and fulfill them to the Best of Our Abilities. We Will AlsoParticipate In Community Development, Women Empowerment, Farmers Welfare And SocialAwareness Activities At Group And Various Other Levels.Shahari Va Gramin Vikas Bahuddeshiya Sanstha (SGVBS) Aim At Make Our Contribution to thePublic Welfare In India.

PRINCIPLES FOR IMPLEMENTATION:- It shall be our endeavor that it execution of this policy Shahari Va Gramin Vikas BahuddeshiyaSanstha (SGVBS) follow the principles of Humanity and Humility, keeping in mind the needs anddignity of the people we serve.

FOCUS AREA OF CSR PROJECT:-  Shahari Va Gramin Vikas Bahuddeshiya Sanstha (SGVBS), 102 Bhuteshwar Nagar, Gangabai GhatRoad, Nagpur-440032 (Maharashtra) has been registered for undertaking CSR activities and theregistration number is CSR00019101. By GOVERNMENT of INDIA MINISTRY ofCORPORATE AFFAIRS OFFICE of the REGISTRAR of COMPANIES

  • Quality and Holistic Education
  • Employability and Economic Empowerment
  • Child Protection
  • Water, Sanitation and Hygiene
  • Women Empowerment
  • Farmers Empowerment and Welfare
  • Entrepreneur Friendly
  • Social Awareness
  • Healthcare
  • Environment Preservation
  • Animal’s Welfare Community
  • Rural & Urban Development


To channelize efforts towards Rural and Urban Slum area Development with emphasis onpromoting Health Care including preventive health care, safe drinking water and sanitation andcreate Revenue Generation opportunity for community.Eradicating hunger, Poverty and Malnutrition by providing ground level support to communitieswith basic needs like Food, Drinking water and Medicines.To promote and support Education of Children from backward areas participation in skilldevelopment trainings for uneducated and employedAwareness campaign for truck drivers and peoples about various social issues to create impactfulawareness.

MANNER OF IMPLEMENTING CSR ACTIVITIEST:- he implementation of the CSR activity/ projects shall be carried out through initiatives anddrives undertaken by the Shahari Va Gramin Vikas Bahuddeshiya Sanstha (SGVBS) offices,teams and volunteer at various project sites. With a view to give thrust to certain CSRactivity and projects, the trust may also collaborate and pool resources with NGO’s and othercompanies (under Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) activities/ programme)Shahari Va Gramin Vikas Bahuddeshiya Sanstha (SGVBS) may use the Services of Internal Teams,Employee Volunteers, Expert Agencies, and Consultancy Firms etc. Whenever required forcarrying out base line surveys, Guidance on Designing, Monitoring, Evaluating the Implementationof CSR Activities, Project Programme and Impact Assessment Surveys Etc.

ORGANIZATION CSR BOARD MEMBER COMMITTEE:- Shahari Va Gramin Vikas Bahuddeshiya Sanstha (SGVBS) Board Members Accordance withRequirement of MCA CSR-1 Registration for Undertaking CSR Activities.In Conformity With The Act of Government of India Ministry of Corporate Affairs Office of theRegistrar of Companies Shahari Va Gramin Vikas Bahuddeshiya Sanstha (SGVBS) Registered ForUndertaking CSR Activities And The Registration Number Is CSR00019101. Organization CSRBoard Member Committee, as approved by the board member. The terms of reference of theorganization CSR board member committee are as under:

  • Framing of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) policy (which shall include amendmentthereto from time to time) and recommending to the organization CSR board membercommittee and board member for approval
  • Formulating an annual action plan with requisite details for CSR activities to be undertakenwhich shall be in conformity with the act and CSR rules provided that the Board Membermay alter such plan at any time during the financial year, as per the recommendation of theorganization CSR board member committee, based on reasonable justification to that effect.
  • Selection and project planning of CSR activity/ CSR programme or CSR project to beundertaken by the Shahari Va Gramin Vikas Bahuddeshiya Sanstha (SGVBS)
  • Selection and project planning of CSR activity/ CSR programme or CSRecommend spending of CSR funds to be undertaken in areas or subjects specified in boardresolution and committee members understanding acknowledgment and to the Ministry ofCorporate Affairs CSR Act project to beundertaken by the Shahari Va Gramin Vikas Bahuddeshiya Sanstha (SGVBS)
  • To decide and recommend to the organization CSR Board Member Committee and BoardMember on the manner of Utilization of Surplus of Receiving fund by companies
  • Implementation & Monitoring of CSR Activity(ies)/ Programme(S) Or Project(S) to beundertaken in accordance with the Shahari Va Gramin Vikas Bahuddeshiya Sanstha(SGVBS) Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Policy
  • Identifying, evaluating and appointment of internal teams, employee volunteers, expertagencies, and consultancy firms (including resources with NGO’s and other companies) forcarrying out Base line surveys, Guidance on Designing, Monitoring, Evaluating theImplementation of CSR activities, project programme and impact assessment surveys etc.


ORGANIZATION CSR TEAM:- Shahari Va Gramin Vikas Bahuddeshiya Sanstha (SGVBS) may constitute internal organization CSR Board Member Committee to assist Trust and the Board in Undertaking of CSR Activity ofthe Organization in Compliance with this Policy, Act and Organization CSR Rules.Abhishek Vinod Dudhalkar (Chairperson)Alpesh Kailash Napte (Chairperson)

CSR BUDGET:- The overall amount received by the NGO’s and other Companies (under CSR activities/programme) in a particular financial year, will be approved by the organization board member onrecommendation of the internal organization CSR Board Member Committee. The contribution willbe adherence to the provisions of the Shahari Va Gramin Vikas Bahuddeshiya Sanstha (SGVBS)Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) policy rules made there underAny surplus arising out of the CSR activities or projects shall not form part of the Organization andBoard Member Profit of Shahari Va Gramin Vikas Bahuddeshiya Sanstha (SGVBS). Accordingly,such surplus fund shall be utilized/ spent in accordance with the organization CSR policy as PerActivity/ Projects. For any reason, the CSR fund allocated for a particular project or programme arenot likely to be used in that financial year than the same be used for any other Programme/Activities/ Projects Approved/ Recommended by Organization CSR Board Member Committee.Similarly, unspent amount of any CSR Activity/ Programme/ Projects shall be utilized/ spent incompliance with the Shahari Va Gramin Vikas Bahuddeshiya Sanstha (SGVBS) CSR policy rules.


  • The Organization CSR Board Member Committee shall be recommended to the Board
    Member the amount of CSR expenditure to be incurred in a particular financial year in
    accordance with CSR projects and the organization CSR policy and rules.
  • If any amount is excess of requirement as prescribed under the CSR fund received by the
    NGO’s and other Companies (under CSR activities/ programme) such excess amount may
    be set off against the requirement of CSR amount to be spent in immediately succeeding
    current financial year with approval of Shahari Va Gramin Vikas Bahuddeshiya Sanstha
    (SGVBS) Board Members to that effect.
  • The organization spend all amount of CSR fund received by NGO’s and other Companies
    (under CSR activities/ programme) as per total CSR project expenditure in any financial
    year on administrative expenses relating to the general management and administration of
    CSR activities of the Shahari Va Gramin Vikas Bahuddeshiya Sanstha (SGVBS)
    collaborate with NGO’s and other Companies spend amount detailed report submitted to
    funding companies time to time after CSR project implementation


CSR MONITORING PROCESS:- Shahari Va Gramin Vikas Bahuddeshiya Sanstha (SGVBS) and Internal Organization CSR BoardMember Committee shall be responsible for the ongoing monitoring and maintaining transparentreporting mechanism for ensuring effective implementation of CSR projects/ programs/ activitiesundertaken by funded the NGO’s and other Companies (under CSR activities/ programme) withinproject prescribed timelines.Shahari Va Gramin Vikas Bahuddeshiya Sanstha (SGVBS) and Internal Organization CSR BoardMember Committee shall ensure that funds disbursed for undertaking CSR activities have beenutilized for the purposes and in the manner as approved by Board Member.

CSR REPORTING:- Shahari Va Gramin Vikas Bahuddeshiya Sanstha (SGVBS) And Internal Organization CSR BoardMember Committee Shall In Its Annual Report Include CSR Report And Receiving Amount ByCompanies Giving The Details Of The CSR Activities Undertaken In The Financial Year As SetOut In The Shahari Va Gramin Vikas Bahuddeshiya Sanstha (SGVBS) Corporate SocialResponsibility (CSR) Policy And RulesShahari Va Gramin Vikas Bahuddeshiya Sanstha (SGVBS) shall display on its website thecomposition of the organization CSR Board Member Committee, and CSR policy and projectsapproved by the NGO’s and other Companies (under CSR activities/ programme) and such otherinformation as may be required