About Shahari Va Gramin Vikas Bahuddeshiya Sanstha (SGVBS)

Shahari Va Gramin Vikas Bahuddeshiya Sanstha (SGVBS) Organization working for womenworks to create a just and equitable society in India devoid of poverty. The organization has twoprograms, leadership programs for the educated youth of India and empowering poor rural andurban women through livelihood activities via SELF HELP GROUPS (SHGS). Since it wasestablished in 2006 (SGVBS) has mobilized nearly 12,000 women to form 700 self help groups(SHGS) In Maharashtra state work in deep tribal rural and urban areas. (SGVBS) Women’s empowerment can be defined to promoting women’s sense of self-worth,their ability to determine their own choices, and their right to influence social change forthemselves and others